Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm backkkkkk!

I know that nobody reads this thing. I know that no one gives two cents. I know that I will be going on and on....and only one or two people will actually care. But it is for the one or two people that I will valiently take up my weary cross again and do what I love the most: journaling.
You see, back in the day, before facebook, myspace, twitter, and livejournal, there was blogger. Yes, the amazing journal I am writing on now.
I loved (and still love) blogger. Why? Because I love love love to write. I love to inform people of my interesting life and punch in some humor along with it.
You see, with facebook, it's just not as good. Yes, you can write notes on facebook, but lets be honest, no one wants to read your damned note. They are too busy uploading the 250 pictures from their trip to South Padre Island (all complete with the "day after" hangover pictures), and bragging about how they boned five chicks.
At blogger, it is more sophisticated.

For example. Americans are lazy. It is a proven fact. Look at the statistics on obesity in this country and you will agree (and do not tell me, "oh they might have a thyroid problem, or..."oh its because of all the stress in this world" Give me a damn break. Eat Healthy. Run a couple miles. If you see you're gaining any form of weight, start at the first five, not the first fifty. USE YOUR BRAIN).
And because Americans are lazy, it is reflected in many areas of thier lives. 1) Obesity, 2) Poor Academic Progress, lack of culture, 3)Americans hate to READ (ask any american 15 year old if he likes reading and come back to me) 4) Americans hate to WRITE. (again, ask any american 15 year old.....)

This, my fellow companions, is the sad truth at what our country is coming to. It has come to the point that I am almost frightened to bring children into this world (in like 5-10years, don't push it) because of the ridiculousness that this country has come to.
Anyway, how does this have anything to do with blogger? I love love love to write (as stated previously) and I believe this is a more sophisticated approach to "connecting with your friends" (as facebook simply puts it). Call me a snob. I don't give a damn. It's my opinion and if you don't like my opinion, all you have to do is click on the X in the upper right hand corner of this page.
And yes, I do notice that this entry has no form of organization or correctness of grammar (a la' freshman composition), but it is midnight and I have need of sleep.
And that, my darlings, is what I have to say....for now.
I shall return and write more. Until then,

Woah. I just read a post I made on June 17th, 2007 and I made almost the same points then, as I am making now. LOL. It's scary. And you know what? I have to say I was a very smart 18 year old back in the day, I need to get back to this sort of intelligence! Here is the post:

June 17th 2007:

I know. Another site that will waste a buttload of my time.But this site is oh so much better. And here is my explanation why...Everybody is addicted to myspace. Holy cow. After watching a couple of 20 yr olds slowly trying to get off their damn profile so they can go out with their friends to the bar, I thought I was crazy addicted...I used to be. But what's the point?It's just a damn profile. You can't splurge your feelings out in the open and let the world know what you think. Nobody gets to know the real you. Just a face. Some icons, vital statistics, and a couple of worthless songs.
Well, really though, America is just damn lazy. Pshh, nobody ever uses those blog sections on their myspace profile. It's all about the fame these days. Just how many friends can you actually have? Seriously. If you have more than 100 friends, I don't believe you. And who the hell cares anyway except for your top friends? And even that gets complicated, because then people get pissed off at you for moving them a little to the right one spot. "Hey! I'm your best friend! Whats the deal!?", "Uhm well, you know, my sister means a heck of alot more to me than you ever will. Sorry but that's just the naked truth. Deal with it."

My point is, nobody wants to write. Use their brain. Think. Debate.I miss it. All this rubbish with the self centerdness crap with myspace and facebook, you start to think the world revolves around you...I can't stand it. I mean, it (life) isn't about you, it's about what you can do for others. And after watching Angelina Jolie on Larry King Live talk about her work with the UN, being an ambassador, seeing what life is like on the other sideof the fence, helping people, solving issues...Is very motivating to me. And it should be. What she is doing earns alot of respect in my eyes. Yeah yeah, she's a hollywood actress....but she's a heckofalot better than the normal American person sitting on the their ass, typing up a survey and posting it on the bulliten section on myspace. If your gonna waste time on the net, waste it wisely. Read about stem cell research, the presidential election, the change of climate and it's effects on our economy, or even learning a new hobby.
Start a blog, like this one, and start debating over who should win the next election. Heck, debate about who should win "So you think you can dance" I don't care. At least you're using your brain.I mean C'mon, don't you know that people don't care about your life anyway? All they care about is what you do with it. So do something...... and get back to the hang of things.

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